Opening Day
July 6
This information is regarding the check-in and Opening Day Activities. You can find dates, locations, and times for all activities here.
Tentative Itinerary
Thursday, June 30th -Virtual Coach Meeting
Opening Day Activities -
Wednesday, July 6
Location: Triumph Park
700 NW Douglas Pkwy
Waukee, IA 50263
Team Check-In (all ages) | 12:30PM
Skills Competition & Pin Trading | 12:30PM
Team Picnic | 4-5 PM
Opening Ceremonies & Parade of Teams | 5-6PM
Opening Day Activities
Skills Competition Packet / Cornhole Sign-Up & Rules
Team Skills Competitions
Various Competitions designed to be competitive and FUN held throughout the day. Download the Skills Competition Packet to read about all of the contest we will be having.
Star Drill/Baserunning Relay/Catcher's Competition/Pitching Velocity/Overhand Velocity/4 Legged Race/Dizzy Bat Race/Dizzy Bat Relay
Download forms from menu and complete them prior to arriving at Triumph Park. You will turn in each form to the field that the contest will be completed on.
Selfie Scavenger Hunt
Teams will be given a list of items (and rules) or individuals hidden throughout the park that they need to take selfies with. The contest will be timed, with the fastest team in each age group being named champions.
Cornhole Tournament (Parents & Coaches)
We will host a Doubles Cornhole tournament on Wednesday. Click on the link to the left to register for this event. (Registration must be done in advance and may be limited due to time constraints, so please register early if you wish to play).
Other Activities at the Park
We will have many more activities going on during the festivities on Wednesday. Here are some of them.
Pin Trading (unofficial activity - no scheduled process, free trade during the day)
Tournament Merchandise on Sale
Tournament Gate Passes on Sale
Additional Vendors
National Championships Opening Ceremony
2023 National Championships Opening Ceremonies will be held at the brand new Northwest Highschool Football Stadium in Waukee, IA
700 NW Douglas Pkwy
Waukee, IA 50263
Contact Us
Central Iowa Sports
Kelly Thorne
B.J. Larson